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Stay Healthy, Train Hard – Sommer Hill

Brooks Ellis

Brooks Ellis


Tips For How To Stay Healthy This Flu Season 


Hey everyone – 


Flu season is hitting hard this year! As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I wanted to share some of my key tips for boosting immunity and to stay as healthy as possible this flu season to keep you healthy and happy!  


1 – Nourish from within: Sugar and processed food significantly weaken the immune system. Load up on whole, nutritious foods, including a wide variety of seasonal veggies, healthy fats, and protein sources. I always look at what’s on my plate from the standpoint of “if it didn’t come from the earth, avoid consuming it.” 


And hydrate adequately!!


2 – Fuel your gut: Our brain, gut and immune system are interconnected. Making sure that we are incorporating both pre and probiotic foods such as apples, bananas, garlic, onion, asparagus, organic kefir or greek yogurt, kimchi, avocado, artichoke hearts, sweet potatoes, gluten free grains, and legumes are a great way to not only avoid the winter SAD’s – seasonal affective disorder – but also keep our immune system up and running. 


To ease the burden on our digestive tract and nourish our gut, I recommend cooked or stewed veggies rather than raw. 


3 – Sip smartly: Hydration is key for flushing out toxins and keeping our body primed. While it’s hard to pass up on warm coffee all day, we want to Stay hydrated with plenty of filtered water, herbal teas, and bone broth. 


4 – Prioritize sleep: The only time our body can repair and restore itself is when we are sleeping. Aim for 7-9 hours of restorative sleep each night. Some tips to ensure you’re getting restorative sleep are to stop eating 2-3 hours before bed and eliminate blue light about an hour beforehand. I’d recommend using this time for mindfulness instead of mindful scrolling, including meditation, reading a book (yes, a real book!), or journaling. 


5 – Manage your stress:  Stress is the silent killer! The more stressed and in “fight or flight” that we are in, the harder it is for our body to fight off illness and keep our immune system up. Find time for meditation, breathwork, yoga, or journaling. 


Some of my favorite meditation apps include Othership, Calm, or Headspace! 


6 – Move your body: A stagnant lymphatic system is a downfall to a thriving immune system. Get your body moving DAILY in ways that feel good for you! Walking, running, strength training, yoga/pilates, are all great ways to feel more energetic, beat the winter blues, and get our lyyth


7- Get Outside: In the winter months, it’s less appealing to get outside. However, getting out for early morning sunlight or a brisk walk in the day will not only contribute to improved immunity and mood but help to reset our circadian rhythm, which in turn will contribute to deeper, restorative sleep, which is crucial for our bodies to repair themselves and our immune system to strengthen. Make it a goal to get outside and move your body for at least 20-30 mins/day, but the more, the better! 


8 – Supercharge with Supplements: 

  • Vitamin C:  Vitamin C is a super booster for immunity as it’s an antioxidant that will clean out free radicals and support the production of white blood cells. 


  • Vitamin D3: In the winter months, we simply cannot get enough Vitamin D from the sun alone. To fight winter blues and keep our immune system elevated, it’s recommended to take 5000 to 10000 IU daily. 


  • Zinc: The metal zinc is crucial not only for optimal cellular function but is especially supportive of the immune system. If you’re not getting enough zinc through whole foods such as grass-fed beef, lamb, chicken thighs, pumpkin seeds, eggs, salmon, and cacao powder, I’d recommend dosing with Zinc through the winter months. The RDA for zinc is 11 milligrams/day for men and 8 milligrams/day for women. However, when sick, up to 20 mg a day is a therapeutic dose.


  • Magnesium: Magnesium is both a mineral and electrolyte that most of us lack, no matter what. Especially when we are stressed or immunocompromised, magnesium is the first mineral to be depleted from the body yet incredibly crucial as it plays a crucial role in over 300 biological functions in the body. Now, not all Magnesium is created equal. I’d recommend a blend of different forms of magnesium that includes glycinate, threonate, malate, and taurate. 


For high-quality, medical-grade supplements, check out the Fullscript link to order your Immune Boost protocol: 


If you need any additional guidance or support, feel free to reach out to me! Stay healthy, happy, and safe this season! 


In wellness,


Sommer Hill