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    The Resilient Athlete: Embracing Growth Over Immediate Results

    Picture of Brooks Ellis

    Brooks Ellis

    The Resilient Mindset: Embracing Growth Over Immediate Results

    Showing up to practice for the first time as a Razorback was intimidating, to say the least. As a freshman, I walked onto the field after months of training alongside new teammates—upperclassmen, transfers, walk-ons, and my freshman roommates. I looked around and wondered if I had what it took to compete with these freaks.

    At first glance, it’s easy to doubt yourself. Everyone out there looks big, fast, and talented. They were recruited by the same coaches who thought I could play, but in that moment, I questioned if I was cut out for this. These guys were just as big, or bigger, just as fast, or faster. They had that same hunger.

    But stepping onto the field, I quickly learned who the ballers were and who the posers were. Some guys talked a big game, but when it came time to back it up, they crumbled. Their words were a cover for what they lacked in performance. Unfortunately, this is more common than you think.

    The ones who truly stood out were the quiet ones. The ones who didn’t have to talk to show their worth—the silent assassins who knew their play-making ability would slice through all the noise. Their confidence came from their preparation and hard work. They were the players worth following, the ones who instantly made the players around them better.

    As a freshman, it was easy to fall into the trap of comparing myself to my older, more experienced teammates, especially the loud ones. But what’s the point? They had been through more battles, gained more experience, and endured more setbacks. My journey was different. Instead of comparing myself, I learned from them—both their successes and their mistakes. This mindset shift allowed me to grow faster than if I had focused on where I ranked compared to them.

    The Real Challenge: Valuing Growth Over Immediate Results

    The greatest challenge for any athlete—and their parents—is to stop valuing the immediate results and start focusing on long-term growth. That’s easier said than done. As a competitor, I wanted success right away. I wanted to prove myself, to be the guy. But the truth was, I wasn’t ready. My preparation, my mindset, and my maturity were lacking. I had to be honest with myself about where I was and where I wanted to go.

    Instead of complaining about my position on the depth chart, I kept showing up. I worked, I watched, and I learned. Through the struggle and frustration of not playing, I built confidence and developed the skills to become someone my coaches and teammates could rely upon. I aimed for perfection, but I knew perfection wasn’t the point. The point was growth—the kind of growth that comes from pushing yourself harder than you thought possible.

    By the end of the 2013 season, I earned the starting middle linebacker position. It wasn’t handed to me. I fought for it. And despite numerous challengers, I maintained that position throughout my Razorback career. I wasn’t the fastest or the biggest, but I understood the value of preparation, resilience, and hard work.

    Growth is the Standard, Not the External Result

    What I learned through this journey is that it’s not about where you start; it’s about how you grow. It’s not even about how you finish because there is no finish line—only the next challenge, the next opportunity. Life is a constant growth curve. Your ability to see that where you are now is just a step toward a greater future is your greatest asset as an athlete, a professional, and a human being.

    This is why BEC exists—to cultivate resilient athletes who understand that growth is the ultimate measure of success. Our group football skills training sessions push you beyond your comfort zone, challenge you mentally and physically, and equip you with the tools to thrive on the field and in life. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your game to the next level, we’re here to help you embrace the process and the growth that comes with it.

    If you’re new to BEC, schedule a free consult so we can help point you in the right direction about our training options, including group football skills training, football camps, and football clinics, along with nutrition consulting, strength and conditioning and more.

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