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    What Are You Willing to Sacrifice to Win?

    Picture of Brooks Ellis

    Brooks Ellis

    Understanding the Competition

    Unfortunately, you’re not the only athlete or coach who wants to win. You’re also not the only person who works hard. Your desire to win the starting job or the game is not a bold approach—everyone on the team, on the field, and in the stadium is hoping for a victory, planning night and day to secure it. Do you think you want it more than someone else? Ask anybody else how badly they want to win, and they’ll tell you the exact same thing.

    Talent vs. Team Dynamics

    Our desire to win pervades nearly every individual. If you’re on the field or on the team, you want to win. If someone doesn’t want to win, they aren’t your competition anyway. So, if everyone desires to win, does it come down to which team has the most talent or has worked the hardest? While that’s undoubtedly a factor in the result, it doesn’t fully encapsulate the whole picture.

    Talent is crucial—until it’s not. Talent that doesn’t work hard, corrodes team dynamics, or doesn’t show up for practice can be toxic. A good team doesn’t want a selfish player on the field. These players can’t be trusted to do their job, and as a former team captain, I’m not willing to sacrifice my body or mind so that this selfish player can reap all the rewards.

    The Role of Sacrifice

    While a talented, game-changing player can help you win more games, how many athletes have sacrificed their blood, sweat, and tears to make up for that athlete’s lack of discipline and accountability, only to never even sniff the field?

    For coaches, the moment you don’t hold up your end of the deal by holding these players accountable for their insubordination is the moment you lose the rest of the team. Worse, you lose the players who care the most. At the end of the day, coaches are on the field to win games, but win at what cost? What if you go undefeated and win the state championship three years in a row, but your team is full of talented players who never learned accountability, teamwork, leadership, or any of the beautiful character traits gained through pushing through the grueling expanse of a football season? Is winning worth it then?

    The Importance of Character

    There is a line where, as a coach, you don’t sacrifice the beauty of the game’s character development for external results only to reap internal turmoil from the bulk of the team who was left unseen with no playing time despite their consistent and selfless effort.

    Your desire to win and your work ethic are not unique. Just ask your teammate. Instead, what matters most is your ability to know what to sacrifice and that you must sacrifice to win.

    Everyday Sacrifices

    We sacrifice all the time. To make friends, we sacrifice time with a cool new toy so others can share in the fun. This ability to sacrifice makes us likable. Regarding winning football games, our ability to sacrifice makes a more significant difference than talent. A player who sacrifices their desires for the good of the team is a player who knows that their sacrifice helps the team win. The more players who do this, the better the team gets.

    The Ultimate Sacrifice

    The ultimate athlete and competitor knows that the bigger the sacrifice, the greater the reward. The ultimate sacrifice one can make is with one’s life. Jesus Christ died the most brutal death known to man despite having done nothing wrong. Betrayed by his friends and disciples, he took the ultimate sacrifice, willing to overcome the desire of his flesh and fulfill God’s purpose for him. His purpose transcended his life and gave eternal life to those who believed in Him.

    Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

    As an athlete, are you willing to sacrifice your desires for the good of the team, fan base, or your family? As a follower of Christ, are you willing to lay it all on the line to fulfill God’s purpose for you?

    “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” – Matthew 16:25

    Brooks Ellis Coaching: Building Character and Champions

    At Brooks Ellis Coaching, we are determined to teach your athletes how to win on the field AND live a life that transcends their own selfish desires. By focusing on character development, toughness, resilience, and service-oriented leadership through high-intensity skill training and compassionate coaching, we ensure that athletic excellence dovetails with high-character individuals set to leave a positive impact in the world.

    We are here to support you or your athlete’s growth both on and off the field through elite-level coaching, convenient group and private training options, and a comprehensive selection of classes designed to give you what you need to succeed.

    Learn more about our classes by scheduling a free consultation with Brooks by clicking here.

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